Call for proposals

Call for proposals closed 

The Selection Committee will consider all abstracts, select a maximum of 20 for inclusion, and notify all authors by 6 March 2023

 Accepted authors will then be required to submit an expanded 4000-word essay by 5 June, which they will present at the workshop. 

Essays will be read by discussants prior to the workshop. At the workshop, presenters will have 15 minutes to present their work at prearranged panels, where they will receive targeted feedback from discussants and other attendees. Each submission will have multiple discussants, including at least one senior academic and one PhD/early career researcher. 

  • Presenters will be expected to act as a discussant for at least one presentation in another panel.

Registration and all catering - including tea/coffee breaks and on-site lunches - are provided free of charge. Travel bursaries will be available for colleagues based internationally. More information will be provided regarded travel bursaries when available. 

Abstract content

Abstracts should include:

  •  the essay title and theme
  • the names and organisational affiliations of the lead presenter and any co-authors. 

We particularly encourage submissions from lead authors who are current PhD candidates or early career researchers (less than 5 years since the award of their PhD).

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